HIGH RISK REVOLUTIONdecember when there is no angel (cr35) [high risk revolution (あいざわひろし, 岩崎啓眞) the reason (天使のいない12月 december when there is no angel) 漫画(cr35) [high risk revolution (あいざわひろし, 岩崎啓眞) the reason (天使のいない12月 december when there is no angel) エロ漫画(cr35) [high risk revolution (あいざわひろし, 岩崎啓眞) the reason (天使のいない12月 december when there is no angel) raw(cr35) [high risk revolution (あいざわひろし, 岩崎啓眞) the reason (天使のいない12月 december when there is no angel) 同人誌